Koloa Kai Complete Management Program

*Operational cost estimates include expected, cyclical expenses for routine service, maintenance, re-stocking, etc. of the rental property.
Description of Services & Fees

  • Services Included: Advertisement on up to 5 marketing channels, quotes, inquiries, booking, scheduling, and customer service for guest, coordination of clean-out, quarterly inspections, monthly owner’s statements, routine maintenance coordination.
  • Rental Fee Commission: 25%
  • Rental Fee Commission reduced to 15% for Owner Referrals and Owner placed reservations
  • Optional: collection and payment of GET and TAT for owner: $50/month
  • Optional: Laundry services for linens towels, sheets, etc.: Based on usage, approx. $100/month

How do we arrive at the numbers in the infographic?
Let’s look beneath the hood and check out how this will work for you.

Owner’s Net = Gross Rents – Operating Costs

  • Gross Rents = The total amount of rents collected from your rental (tax not included – that is calculated separately for reporting purposes.)  This figure is generated by taking the Average Daily Rate (ADR) for the period and multiplying it by the number of occupied nights in that period.  A typical period is one month. 
  • Operating Costs are broken down into the following areas:
    • Owner Expenses = about 3% of Gross rentals on average.  These are the basic costs associated with maintaining the property so that it can be used as a vacation rental.  This includes routine maintenance, cyclical upgrades to appliances & fixtures, etc.  
    • Management Fees = 25% of gross rentals.  

Let’s put it all together in an Example:

  • Average Daily Rate (ADR): $165
  • Occupancy: 65%
  • Period: 30 days

Gross Rentals = ADR X Occupancy X Period = $165 X 65% X 30 days = $3,217.50
Gross Rentals = $3,217.50

Next, let’s calculate the Operating Costs:

  • Owner Expenses = 3% of Gross Rentals = 3% X $3,217.50 = $96.53
  • Management Fees = 20% of Gross Rentals = 25% X $3,217.50 = $804.38

Operating Costs = Owner Expenses + Management Fees = $96.53 + $804.38 = $900.90
Operating Costs = $900.90

Now from Above, Owner’s Net = Gross Rentals – Operating Costs = $3,217.50 – $900.90 = $2,316.60
Owner’s Net = $2,316.60

To Calculate Owner’s Net (%), just divide the Owner’s Net by the Gross Rental.
Owner’s Net (%) = Owners Net ($) / Gross Rental ($) = $2,316.60 / $3,217.50 = 72%
Owner’s Net (%) = 72%